Caught in a Web?
We’re Just a Call Away!


Expert Guide to NZ Spiders & Effective Pest Control Solutions

Common Spider Species in New Zealand

AlphaPest _ Auckland Pest Control _White Tailed Spider NZ

White-Tailed Spider

Known for its painful bite, commonly found indoors.

AlphaPest _  Auckland Pest Control _ Katipō Spider NZ

Katipō Spider

Native and venomous, though bites are rare.

AlphaPest _  Auckland Pest Control _Black House Spider NZ

Black House Spider

Prefers sheltered locations, and builds messy webs.

AlphaPest _  Auckland Pest Control _ Garden Orb-Weaver Spider NZ

Garden Orb-Weaver Spider

Large, harmless, and often found in gardens.

AlphaPest _  Auckland Pest Control _Daddy Long Legs Spider NZ

Daddy Long-Legs

Harmless and helps control other insect populations.

AlphaPest _  Auckland Pest Control _ Garden Orb-Weaver Spider NZ

Avondale Spider

Aka the Australian huntsman spider whilst harmless their size has been known to generate many a scream! Mature spiders with legs outstretched can measure up to 200 mm across!

Identifying Spider Infestations


Different spiders create different types of webs.

Spider Sightings

Frequent sightings can indicate an infestation.

Egg Sacs

These are often found in hidden areas and signal active reproduction.

Insect Population

High insect activity can attract spiders.

Preventing Spider Infestations

Keep It Clean

Regular cleaning reduces the number of hiding spots for spiders.

Reduce Clutter

Minimizing clutter in storage areas helps prevent nesting.

Outdoor Maintenance

Keeping your yard tidy and trimming vegetation away from the house reduces spider habitats.

Proper Food Storage

Ensuring food is sealed and waste is properly disposed of reduces the insect prey that attracts spiders.

Health Risks Associated in New Zealand with NZ Spiders

White-Tailed Spider Bites

Can cause irritation, swelling, and in rare cases, necrosis.

Katipō Spider Bites

Potentially dangerous, causing severe pain and systemic symptoms.

Professional Spider Control Services

Residential Spider Control

Regular cleaning reduces the number of hiding spots for spiders.

Reduce Clutter

Minimizing clutter in storage areas helps prevent nesting.

Commercial Spider Control

Ensuring your business remains a pest-free environment.

Proper Food Storage

Ensuring food is sealed and waste is properly disposed of reduces the insect prey that attracts spiders.

Trust The Experts at AlphaPest

Get in Touch for Effective Spider Control in Auckland

Frequently Asked Questions

No, most NZ spiders are harmless, but some like the White-Tailed and Katipō spiders can pose health risks.

Look at the spider’s size, colour, and web type. AlphaPest can assist with professional identification.

Clean the bite area, apply ice, and seek medical attention if symptoms worsen.

Regular treatments are recommended as external treatments are usually effective for 3-6 months.